ARCHIVED The Pavel helps you discover the basic principles of terminology research!

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Are you specialized in the fields of terminology standardization or communication in the public or private sectors, or are you a technical writer, a freelance translator or a new terminologist? The Pavel is for you!

The Pavel Terminology Tutorial is offered in seven languages: ARCHIVED English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic and Dutch. This tutorial is the result of teamwork between experienced professionals at the Translation Bureau and other organizations.

The tutorial builds on the Handbook of Terminology (PAVEL & NOLET 2001) while interactively involving you in a series of exercises. The tutorial is designed so you can learn at your own pace.

This tutorial presents, in plain language, the basic principles of terminology research. It consists of five modules:

  • Introduction - Overview
  • Terminology Research Principles
  • Methodology for Creating Terminology Records
  • Tools
  • Standardization

The Pavel also includes a glossary of the terms used in terminology, an extensive bibliography and a list of important related Web sites. In addition to approximately 300 pages of text, The Pavel includes:

  • Over 75 interactive exercises with answers and explanations;
  • Over 25 charts and explanatory graphic elements.